Thursday, April 23, 2015

Friday April 24, 2015

A) front squat 3 rep max 

B) 3x3 front squat at 90% of A

C) Strict Press 
 3 or more @90%

30min EMOM
10-12 Burpee box jump overs
1 legless rope climb


  1. A) 3rm @ 185.
    B) 3 x 3 @ 165 -- the way my front squats feel are making it very clear why my clean complexes have been so hard to improve.
    C) 3 x 75/ 3 x 85/ 3 x 95 -- then I realized I was working off of 105 and i should've been working off of 110 so I did another set at 100 and I only was able to get 2 reps.
    Didn't do D .. I did the class at CFP.

  2. A) 255, 275, 295, 310, 325x3 (10lb PR!)
    B) 3x3 @290
    C) did the Wednesday wod I had missed instead (time posted on Wednesday)

  3. A) 315. 2 rep max. (was my 1 rep max)
    B) 285, 275, 225
    C)135, 145, 155.
    D) complete. 5 SHSPU, 12 burpees & 1 regular rope climb. Shoulder was still sore from last leg less rope climbs.

  4. I started with the 30min EMOM Chris did with 30 sec ME row, handstand walk then a (legless) rope climb and that was fun!

    A. 200
    B. Did all @ 180
    C. 67, 77, then 87 for 3 and tried for 4 but failed
    D. Did something different with Luke (couplet of wall balls and KB swings counting down from 21...3, all unbroken 7:42)

  5. back is still not quite at 100 percent but its almost there, but I didn't wanna push it to hard.
    A)245-3 still not close to a 3 rep max, think I hit 260 for 4 a couple weeks ago.
    B) 225
    sucks being injured but then you take a look back and when I started CP in October that was my one rep max, now it is a triple on a bad day when I don't push myself, so I must be getting stronger.
    didn't do the workout on here.
    did 10 burpee box jump overs per min till failure.
    had been feeling crap last 2 weeks and needed a pure gasser.
    got 7 full rounds an 8 burpees into my 8th, god 2 weeks of no wods and my cardio went to hell.
