Sunday, April 26, 2015

Monday April 27, 2015

A) snatch 20 mins to find a 1 RM

B) backsquat 2 rep max 

C) 3x2 backsquat 90% of B

D) Run 400m x 8 rest 15 sec per round 


  1. A. I need a lot more time than 20mins to be efficient with this movement..trying to sick with the time I jumped fast to 145 and the bar fell on my back..I couldn't even hit 140 after that so shut it down out of frustration
    B. Tried for a double at 265 but failed, so 255
    C. Realized after I showered that I forgot this part, so I'll do it tomorrow
    D. 1:46, 1:51, 1:56, 1:56, 1:55, 1:56, 1:58, 1:55...and I felt like I had a parachute attached to me!

  2. Went back tonight to do the rest of my squats..
    C. 3 sets @ 230

  3. A. Figured I wouldn't get too far since I haven't snatched since January. Got to 110 which is an accomplishment for me lol... lots of work to do!

    B. Stayed with 195

    C. 175

    D. 1.35 1.47 1.511.52 1.53 2.00 1.59 1.55
    ankle felt funky but it feels amazing to be back at CP!

  4. A) 160.6. 5.6 lbs pr.
    B) skipped, snatched for the whole hour.
    C) total time 16:32

  5. A) 245lbs 3lbs pr
    B) Worked up too 365lbs, only got 1
    C) 3x2, @330lbs
    D) 16:50, when your short and fat, running is not your thing. Need to work on it. A lot

  6. A) 165, 185, 195, 205, 210 (5lb Pr), 215(f)..have no problem getting wt above my head but need to work on receiving and footwork, I can see heavier soon.
    B&C)didn't have enough time after work. Obviously snatched for longer but will get to squats tommorrow and running Thursday

  7. skipped all the lifting stuff, just did some sets of 6 front squats with the class, no point in going for doubles if I wasn't going to go heavy.
    did Helen with the class instead of the run cuz I have Tuesday off and I can run anywhere,
    3 RFT
    400m run
    21 kb swing 24kg
    12 pull ups.
    9 12
    all unbroken but the run was painfully slow, my cardio is garbage, I will beat this time in a month for sure.

    1. Did the dead lift wood on Saturday
      13 9 8
      3 23
      Also did the run this week at home. But I deleted the times of my phone. That run sticked allot.

  8. A) Hit 145. Tried 151.5 to PR but failed about 5 times before calling it a day.
    B) 2reps at 210 - failed the second at 220 which blows bc I did 220x 3 last week.
    C) 3 x 2 @ 195
    D) total time : 19:53 - I tried to figure out individual times but math is hard
