Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wednesday April 15, 2015

A) Deadlifts 
3 Reps at 70% 80% 90% or more reps on the last set

B1) 5X5 Weighted Pullups 
B2) 5x5 weighted Dips 

C) Run 400m 15 SOH 165/115lbs rest 2 mins 
Run 400m  15 SOH  135/95lbs
Rest 2 mins
Run 400m 15 SOH 95/65lbs


  1. A. 215, 245 then 255 (coz I didn't add properly on the bar, we supposed to be 265)
    B. Used 6kg KB again
    C. 3:35, 2:59, 2:28

  2. A) 305, 350, 390
    B1) 50lbs
    B2) 50lbs
    C) 3:00, 7:27, 11:46 - total time after rest 7:46

  3. A) Max 415 3x290, 3x330, 7x375
    B) 5x5 pull ups with vest
    5x5 dips with vest
    C) 2:38, 2:30, 2:14 - Total time 11:22

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. A) 315, 345, 365
    B1) 50lbs
    B2) 50lbs
    C) total time 10:56

  6. A) 295x3, 340x3, 385x3
    B) weight vest
    C) total time 11:43..could smash this wod if my shins weren't splinted;) glad to be running again..

  7. A) 3x355, 3x405, 1x455 (failed the other 2, moved back down to 405 for volume)
    B) 2 sets at 24 kg, got chirped for not going unbroken, last 3 sets unbroken with 18.5 kg
    C) 2:42, 2:37, 2:15
