Friday, April 3, 2015

Saturday April 4, 2015

If you are interested feel free to join Chris at 10:00am for 400m sprints at Woodbridge. 

A) 1 squat Snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 OHS x 7

B) 7x Power clean + 3 front squats + 1 jerk

C) 300 m row test 
Row 300/260m under 1 min
Rest 1 min 
Repeat until you cannot row 300/260 under 1 min
(Make sure you set the rower to show your projected finish so you can better gauge your speed) 
If you hit 10 rounds you can stop. 
Current Record for this is 21 rounds. 


  1. A) #185, #190 last 3 sets
    B) #225 stopped after a couple sets my elbow was bugging me again
    C) 6rnds..did 4 more rounds at 260m/min. That burn tho..

  2. Quite pressed for time so john & I squeezed in the lifting...

    A. Working sets, got up to 135 then failed
    B. Started at 135 and worked up to 160 but failed

    Anxious to see what the new cycle will be about..happy Easter all

  3. a)skipped(did snatches on Friday)
    B)worked up to 245 successfully, then hit a power clean and 1 squat at 265 but couldn't do the next squats.(no jerks to save my shoulder a bit)
    C)did the class wod instead.
