Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday April 17, 2015

A) front squat 
Quickly find a 4 rep max 

B) 3x4 front squat @ 90% of A

C) Strict Press 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75% 5 or more at 85%

D) 40min Alternating AMRAP Choose a bodyweight/gymnastic movements than need work on . Focus on technique, and rythem while preforming these movements


  1. D1) 15sec OHS hold 95#
    D2) 5x Kipping HSPU
    D3) 7x C2B
    D4) 10 Burpee Over Bar

  2. A) worked up to 305lb didn't have much time to do percentage work..
    C) class wod: 25 of everything for time..
    Pull-ups, BJ's (24"), FS (135), burpees, hang cleans (135), DU's, TTB, STO (135), HR push-ups. (Run 200m everytime bar movement is broken up) time: 12:53

  3. I did this Saturday instead coz it wasn't up when I logged on..
    A. 195
    B. All at 175
    C. 65, 75, 80
    D. My four were: 10 T2B, 5 kipping HSPUs, 5 strict pull ups and 12 burpees.. Was looking for consistent reps for T2B and that went ok, HSPUs eventually turned into strict with abmats coz my neck couldn't take it. I also only went to the 28th minute coz still needed to do Saturday's
