Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wednesday April 29, 2015

A) For time
deadlift 315/225 for 30 reps in as few sets as possible. Every time you drop the bar 5 burpee over bar  

B)15min EMOM
8 Strict CTB
12 Pistols
15 Wall balls 30/20lbs

C) 21-15-9
Butterfly Chest to Bar Pullups
Wall Balls 

D) Chinese plank 4x30on 30off / side. First set without weight. Remaining 3 sets with weight 


  1. A) 5:59 -- 9-7-8-6
    B) complete with strict pull ups not c2b
    C) 11:10
    D) complete with 35lb plate

  2. A) 6:01, 10,7,7,6
    B) Complete
    C) 8:10
    D) Complete with a 55lbs plate

  3. A. Only dropped twice (can u tell I hate burpees?!)..sets went 12, 10 then 8
    B. Did strict pull ups coz can't do C2B, and went unbroken on all the wall balls (not much but was my goal)
    C. Took 2 mins then started as it was very difficult mentally to go straight in to this part..did butterfly pull ups NOT C2Bs and finished in around 12mins (clock stopped)
    D. Awkward, and used a 25# plate

  4. A) sub for 6 rounds of 10 reverse hyper w/20kg (may attempt deads tmw)
    B) Complete
    C) & D) may attemp tmw (had to get to moms in Markham) #

  5. Because of current hectic work sched and the box closing at 7 (bush league) I started the day with my squats I missed Monday so..
    A) 375, 385, 395 (PR double), 405(f) got greedy lol
    A2) 4:13. 9, 8, 4, 6, 3...
    B) complete..also my legs fell off I think..
    Will do heavy cleans and running wod tomorrow and possibly 21-15-9 wod too
    D) did at home BW, did 1min each side

  6. ...only did C in 8:45
    Definitely not ready to rep out heavy deads
