Thursday, April 9, 2015

Friday April 10, 2015

A) front squat Quickly find a 5RM (this should not take a Long time, have a number in mind and try to hit it, don't make more then 2 attempts at a heavy 5) B) backsquat 3x5 @90% of A. Rest mins between sets

B) 40 min EMOM (Alternating)
3-5 Muscle-ups 
50 Double Unders 
12 Pistols (alternating)


  1. A) completed, 285, 60lbs pr.
    B) completed, 255.
    That was all I had time for.

  2. A) 295lb..not my goal wt but there's always next time
    265 3x5 (I assumed you meant FS because we did back squat Monday)
    B) started breaking up the muscle ups 3/2 around 20min mark but held that pace right to the end..last 10mins of this was a grind

  3. A. Warmed up with only two sets, then did 5 @ 175, then jumped to 200 even and failed.
    B. Did sets @ 165
    C. Used strict pull ups and strict press to sub for muscle ups and HSPUs

  4. A) 315. Felt like I was lifting a house with a family in it.
    B) done at 285
    C) done. M-ups between 3-5, subbed pistols for 45 lb snatch balance.

  5. A) 260 for 5r
    B)235 3 x 5
    C)40 min emom
    12 pistols
    50 dubs
    8 strict pull ups (became 6 after 5 rounds)
    30 sec L sit hold(became 20 seconds after 4 rounds)
