Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wednesday April 22, 2015

A) Deadlifts 
5 reps x 75% 
3 reps x 85% 
1 (rep or more if you can ) x 95%

B) 5X5 Weighted Pullups and Dips

C) 3 Rounds 
20 HSPU 
30 Pullups 
40 KBS 32/24kg


  1. A) 5 reps @ 325lbs, 3 reps @355lbs and 1 rep at 405lbs
    B) 5x5 pull ups and dips @45lbs
    C) Total time 20:52, Kb swings sucked

  2. Ok I did yesterday's today, so didn't do everything...
    A. 5 @ 220, 3 @ 250 and tried for a triple at 275 but settled for a 2.5er
    B. Focused more on getting all 5 straight and stuck with a 6kg KB this time
    C. Might try this tomorrow if my hands heal over night

  3. A) 5x135 // 3x155// 4x170
    B) 5x5 8kg
    C) baby blue kettle bell instead. Everything else regular- 19:00

  4. Skipped out on deadlifts, did heavy dead on Monday with Ben but I prd my OHS at 260!! The Vids on Instagram #goandlikeit
    B) 45lbs
    C) 17:30

  5. A) 5x380, 3x430, 1x480
    B) 40 lbs
    C) 27:07. Everything about this was bad.

  6. A) 315, 355 failed 395. 1rm=415
    B) complete with vest.
    C) 28:29 I only did sets of ten on the swings.

  7. A) 5 x 205/ 3 x 235/ 1 x 260

    B) tried a few different weights and ended up just doing my body weight.

    C) 28:38

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A) 325, 365, 415
    B) 55lbs
    C) 25:02 all HSPU strict

  10. A) 315x5, 365x3, 405x1, 425x1(tied PR), 435(f) decided to drop to 365 and do 3x3 just because
    B) weight vest
    C) did today (friday) 17:55 total time

  11. A) 5x75% 315
    3x85% 355
    1+x95% 395x6
    C) 28:11
