Sunday, April 12, 2015

Monday April 13, 2015

Quite cherry picking! You know who you are. If you have limited time, work on what you need to improve most! 

A) Backsquat 
Quickly find a 4RM 

B) backsquat 
3x4 @90% of A. Rest 3-4 mins between sets 

C) 5x 1 Hang squat snatch 2 inches from the floor + 1 hang snatch above knee 5-10lbs heavier then last week 

D) 5x3 snatch pulls @ 10-20lbs above your 1RM snatch. 
*Use straps 

E1) 400m run
25 pull-ups 
Rest 3 mins 
E2)400m run 
25 toes to bar
Rest 3 mins 
E3) 400m run
10 muscle ups 


  1. A) 345.
    B) 315.
    C) Last week failed the high hang @ 135 twice. Today worked up to 145 full set.
    D) 185
    E) 16:57.

  2. A) worked OHS max 175x3
    B) 135 with 5-10 sec hold
    C) and D) worked 135 for position and technique
    E) 2:40, 3:14, 3:00

  3. A) 405x4
    B) 3x4 @ 365
    C) 195. Down 10 lbs from last week.
    D) done at 265
    E) 2:46, 3:12, 4:19

  4. A) 370x4
    B) 3x4 @330
    C) 185..stayed at the same weight. Way more consistent this week only one miss on second hang final set.
    D) 5x3 #225
    E) will do tomorrow morning

  5. A) 345lbs x4
    B) 3x4 @315lbs
    C) Build up to 215lbs, tried 225lbs, failed
    D) 5x3 @ 265lbs
    E) 2:04, 2:20, 2:38

  6. A. 4 @ 230
    B. All at 210 (rounded up)
    C. Failed on the second 135, felt tighter today tho- Musta been coach Johns pointers from a recent cert ;)
    D. Avoided at all costs
    E. 20:12 total, sub'd MUs for strict pulls ps and dips

  7. A) just went for it...85% of 1RM for 5 reps...
    B) 275 (3 x 5 reps)
    C & D) planned for Thursday
    E) approx 15:00, skipped muscle ups due to shoulders messed up...

  8. A) 345 X 4

    B) 315

    Went right to part E with back feeling tight.

    E) Subbed 30 Cal Airdyne instead of running due to rain…
    1:58, 2:16, 2:52

  9. A)300x4
    pinched something in my low back on the last set at 270, just tried to stretch it out after instead of doing more work, don't think it helped much as it has gotten worse since then,

  10. A) 4 reps at 200
    2 reps at 205
    B) 3 x 4 @ 185
    C) 65/85/95/105/115/120 but failed the above the knee
    D) complete at 165.
    E) all complete in 26:12 - bar muscle ups after a few shady attempts on rings
