Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wednesday April 8, 2015

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A) Deadlifts not touch and go
65% x 5 reps 
75% X 5 reps 
85% x 5 (or more reps on the last set)

B) 5X5 Weighted Pullups and Dips

C) 3x100cal Airdyne or Row Rest 5min between sets


  1. A) 275, 315 & 365
    B) Completed.
    C) only time for two sets: 7:53 & 7:13 air dyne.

  2. A. 190, 220 then 245
    B. Used a 6kg KB but felt better this week
    C. Airdyne kept making a funny noise so I didn't go balls out and finished in 8:43, switched to rowing and did 7:06 then 6:43 ..only waited 3mins because I was pressed for time

  3. A) 275, 315, 365, 385(3), 405(1)
    B) 40lb vest
    C) plan on doing the row tomorrow..did a wod with some buds 12min Amrap 1 squat clean (increase one rep per round), 5 STO both at #135, 12 TTB. 8rnds + 6reps

  4. A) skipped bc didn't have a lot of time and I have to work on rowing and strict pull-ups
    B) 5x5 with 16lbs KB
    C) did 50 cals instead.

  5. A) 330, 380, 430 x4
    B) done with 24kg kb
    C) airdyne 5:18, 5:01, 5:06

  6. A) Skipped because injured lower back.
    B) Completed with Mystery Weight Vest...lol..we got numbers of 17.5lb, 20lb, 25lb, 30lb and 40lbs so lets go with 40lb lol.
    C) Airdyne: 5:32, 6:11, 5:55

  7. A)most iv ever pulled is 385, but that's not very heavy so I went off 405
    265, 305, 345. (forgot about doing extra reps on the last one so I only did 5 should of done more)
    B) done with mystery vest, in a very technical investigation of the weight of the vest we held it in one hand and a 25lb plate in the other and the vest was heavier we think.
    4 35, 5 07, 5 03
