Monday, December 1, 2014

Tuesday December 2, 2014

A) Warm up 3 Rounds 
3 Butterfly Pullups 2 Chest to Bar 1 Bar Muscle-up 
10 Glut Ham Raise 
12 Pistols

B) 5x2 Position Snatch 
Mid Thigh, Ground

6 rounds 
10 chest to bars 
12 box jump overs 24/20"
14 power cleans 95lbs 
12 push-ups 
10 Kettlebells swings 
Rest 2 minutes 


  1. B) worked up to 185.. kept missing the 195 on the hang

    C) total time 21:15

  2. A/ warmup complete. First set, couldn't connect the muscle up. But 2nd two set, I got it.

    B/ snatch complex 65/85/105/115/120/125

    C/ WOD: total time 24:00

    7:59- 10:19
    12:19- 14:42
    21:18- 24:00
    Super happy because every set of C2B were unbroken!

  3. A) warm up complete
    B) 65/85/105/115/115..tried 120 a million times and kept failing so did 115 twice
    C) total time of 24:?.. me no gusta

  4. A) Warm Up Complete
    B) 2x155 - 2x175 - 2x185 - 2x195 - 1x205(High hang only)
    C) 0:00 - 1:45 --> 1:45
    3:45 - 5:40 --> 1:55
    7:40 - 10:02 --> 2:22
    12:02 - 15:01 --> 2:59
    17:01 - 20:03 --> 3:02
    22:03 - 24:46 --> 2:43
    Total Time: 24:46

    Notes: I still suck at chest to bars :(

  5. Got to 105 complete with the snatches - caught 110 a bunch of times from the high hang but lost it forward everytime from the floor. Still a weak point.

    WOD: 1:55 2:04 2:06 2:40 2:26 2:29 total time 23:40 subbed C2B for 5 strict chin ups

  6. A. Ok still having issues with C2B in regular grip (I usually use reverse), but managed my first bar muscle up with a PURPLE band- I'm very proud of that
    B. 85, 105, 115, 125, 130 but failed
    From floor several times
    C. I managed only 3 rounds before I had to go and my hands tore, the time was 15:40 and I used the weight listed and assumed the KB swings were 24kg....the thing that killed me was the cleans coz 95 seemed light but not after 14reps

  7. b)snatch 95 115 135 155 165 175 185 190(f) got the hang snatch but not the one from the ground. I like working from the hang, im getting better from the floor but I still have trouble with it if its right after a hang, I don't know why.
    c)1 48, 2 02, 3 20, 3 33
    only did 4 rounds because my back totally lit up and I made the decision to stop because I didn't wanna push it too much as its only starting to feel better the last week, it was a tough decision because it was a really un fun wod and I thought it might of been wimping out. future kiddie will either do worse at an open workout one day or will be able to keep doing crossfit for the next 2 weeks because I stopped, no way of knowing tho.
