Sunday, December 14, 2014

Monday December 15, 2014

A) Warmup 4 Rounds 
Hand Stand Hold 
Toes To Bar 
Double Unders

B) Back Squat (cameras out!)
1*5 60% 
1*3 70% 
1*2 80% 
1*2 90% 
1*1 95% 
1*1 103%

C) Jerk 4 x 1 x 90%

D)20min EMOM alternating 
8-10 burpee box jump over 
5 M-ups


  1. A) Completed
    B) 103 % (325 lbs) successful, failed at 330 lbs. 10 lb PR.
    C) 185 lb push jerk
    D) short on time, did a 10 minute EMOM

  2. Squats:
    1@345 Pr
    355 PR
    360 PR
    30 pound PR

    C) skipped out on jerks, class needed the racks but I'll end up doing jerks Thursday at Yuki

    D) completo

  3. A. Good
    B. 145, 175, 195, 220, 235 THEN**
    150, 160, 160, 170, 170, lastly 175
    (Had a few different opinions on the level of my hips being parallel but haven't been able to get my squat to 275 for over a year so pretty pumped)
    C. Jerks @ 150
    D. Completed with 10 burpees per round

  4. Squats at 145-165-190-210-225 then hit a sweet 7#pr at 240!

    Didn't jerk..

    Wod done with 10 burpees a round (averaging 30 seconds or so) and sub MU for strict chin up... was definitely a doozy!

  5. A) completed
    B) 125/145/170/190/200/215/225, 10# pr!
    C) skipped
    D) completed, for the first round i did 2 MUs and then i could only do one.. but is still tried some times to do 2

  6. Trained at my company gym since I was working late.
    5 @ 195
    3 @ 225
    2 @ 255
    2 @ 285
    1 @ 305
    1 @ 325 PR 10#
    1 @ 335 PR 20#
    340 failed. (Tried this twice)

    C) Couldn't really work on my jerks here:
    5 @ 135 (strict press)
    3 x 5 @ 165 (push press)

  7. B)squats 185, 215, 245, 275, 290, 315(pr) 325(f) 320 (f)
    10 lb PR, but I was hoping for more then that after a 10 week program, should of tried the 320 lift first but I got greedy.
    C) jerks at 245 (brutal after the squats, my body was all out of wack and I pressed out the first 2 but got them done.
    D)first 10 min of the emom done at 10 burpies and 5 MUs,
    last 10 min done as 8 burpies and 3 MUs
    all done on a 20 inch box.
