Sunday, December 28, 2014

Monday December 29, 2014

Our first Cristini Programming Training Day

A) Warm up 3 Rounds 
2 Seated Legless Rope Climb 
5 Muscle ups 
50 Double Unders 

B) Jerk  3 x 5 x 85%

C) Push Press * Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50% * Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60% * Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70-75% * Set 4 – 3 reps @ 75-80% * Set 5 – 10 reps @ 65-70% * Set 6 – 10 reps @ 60-65% * Set 7 – 10 reps @ 55-60%

D) 8 Rounds 
90 Seconds on 90 Seconds Rest
Alternate between airdyne and row 


  1. A) Completed
    B) 175 lbs
    C) Did behind the neck strict press instead to help work on mobility/stability
    D) 211 calories

  2. A year in review...
    Thinking back to when Chris suggested I start training "Outlaw" programming then realizing I couldn't really do it anymore at East Woodbridge coz the class schedule put a damper on my training, least I thought...years later #cristiniprogramming has given me the opportunity to maintain a level of intensity I thought I lost but was always capable of that you can't get out of a regular class.
    To all following this regiment, I take a great deal of pride in following this..not only is all of this FREE (as athletes pay hundreds on a monthly basis for similar programs) but that was are welcomed to follow this at our leisure, during regular class hours even!
    Steve and Chris, thank you for all your dedication to this program that I love so much and has been the reason for many long awaited PR's over the past few months. Thank you for continuing to encourage us (me especially) even when you should be focusing on others in class. Thank you for your endless patience. I hope this can continue for next year, but if not is was a GREAT FUCKIN RUN and I loved every minute, every squat, every PR.

    A. Jerks were shit and heavy coz I'm still not 1 Hundo P
    B. Too many numbers to remember but managed all % well
    C. Awful but done! I feel less day from the holidays :)

  3. A) completed
    B) 175 lbs
    C) set 1@105, 2@125, 3@145, 4@155, 5@135, 6@125 & set 7@115
    D) completed, didn't count calories...

  4. A) Completed
    B) 215
    C) 110, 130, 160, 170, 140, 130, 120
    D) they only have rowers (i know bush league) 251cal

    *did core accessory work later on too with fran at 3:07 (workin on faster pull-ups I will get sub 3)
