Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Wednesday December 3, 2014

A) 30 strict HSPU, accumulate in as few sets as possible
B) 4 sets of 1 power clean + 1 squat clean @ 85% of 1RM power clean Drop and reset each lift 
C) clean pull 3x5 98% of 1RM squat clean 
D) 3 rounds 
10 clean and jerks 155/105
10 burpees over bar (facing)
Rest 1:1 
Rd 2 at 135/95lbs 
Rd 3 at 115/85lbs 
Idea is to be able to go just as fast since weight goes down as fatigue sets in. 
Post your 3 seperate times. NOT your overall time. Consistency is the point. 

E) 10 min Emom alternate 
5 weighted ring dips 
5 weighted strict pull-ups 


  1. A) 19, 11
    B) 265
    C) n/a
    D) 1:54, 5:25, 8:15
    E) complete

  2. Clean complex at 130 felt pretty good

    Wod 1:18 1:22 1:30 total time 6:50

  3. Clean Complex at 245lbs

    Wod 1:15, 1:20, 1:10 total 6:30

  4. A. 3 3 5 6 5 3 (I thought it was 25)
    B. Complex @ 145
    C. Pulls @ 185
    D. 1:38, 1:20, 1:05
    E. 10 on vest

  5. A) 23, 7
    B) 185 lbs
    C) 230 lbs
    D) 1 rd: 5:20 thought it was only squat cleans.
    2 rd: 1:38
    3 rd: 1:25
    E) Completed

  6. A) 12, 8, 10
    B) 185, 185, 195, 195
    C) Pulls @ 230

    Had an early start at work so did 3 sets of weighted pull ups and that was as far as I got

  7. A) 20, 10
    B) Worked up to 185
    C) Pulls @ 235

    Been sick the entire week, going to try D) in on Friday

  8. a) done on wed at home on a 12 inch wide wall in my basement, 3 sets of 10
    b)worked up to and completed 4 sets at 225, my squat clean is quickly becoming my worst movement, the only thing about this programming that is not good for me is the lack of front squats, the last time I maxed out was a while ago but it was only 245.
    C) didn't do this, was short on time and on the list of things for me to work on this isn't high as I can power clean more then my front squat
    D 1 12
    1 23
    1 12
