Monday, December 8, 2014

Tuesday December 9, 2014

A) Warm up 
3 Rounds 
3 Butterfly Pullups 2 Chest to Bar 1 Bar Muscle-up 
10 Glute Ham Raise 
12 Pistols               

B) 20min Build to a Heavy Single Clean    

C) 5 Rounds: 
10 Burpees 
10 Squat Cleans 135/95lbs 

Rest 10min 

D) 7min AMRAP 
50 DU 
25' HSW


  1. A) Warm-up completed
    B) Worked up to 240 lbs, a 15 lb PR
    C) 4 rounds in 10:35

  2. Pull felt weak in the clean, got stuck at 165

    Wod 9:51, feeling spicy as hell!

    7mins 50du 15ghd did 4 rounds

  3. A) Completed.
    B) Got stuck at 300. Previous 1RM is 305.
    C) 9:30 - Went rather slow. Legs were pretty beat up from squatting+rowing yesterday and squat cleaning today.
    D) 5 rounds

  4. 10 pound PR at 290, caught 300 3 times but just couldn't stand it up

    C) Wod 9:45

    D) still struggle with handstand walking

  5. A) Completed.
    B) 225 (caught this on video), went on to hit 235! (after a couple of failed attempts). @ 150lbs body weight. 15 lbs PR.
    C) Wod 11:08
    D) 2 rounds + 50 DUs - Getting a few feet at a time with hand stand walks

  6. A) Did a clean w/u
    B) 325 PR, 335 PR
    C) completed - back blew up
    D) attempted

  7. B) worked up to 245 then failed 265 twice and 260 once.
    C)11 35 (back is totally smoked after this, NOT FUN!!!!!)
    D)4 rounds 50 dubs (more then 10 min rest because the class was doing a workout, maybe 15 to 20 min)

  8. A. Finally got a few butterfly C2B
    B. Clean PR at 195, racked 200 too many times but couldn't stand
    C. 10:20
    D. 3 + 32 DUs
