Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Wednesday December 10, 2014

A) HSPU 25 strict 4'' defecit + 25 kip 4'' defecit

B) 2 Clean (any style) & Push Jerk add 10lbs EMOM 
Starting weight 155/105lbs

C) 14min Alternating EMOM 
3 DL 365/225lbs 
6 Pistols each leg


  1. A) completed all in sets of 5
    B) completed 275 power clean & jerk, 285 power clean x3 - no jerk
    C) complete

  2. A) Completed all in sets of 5
    B) Completed 265, failed 275 on the cleans
    C) Completed

  3. No hspu for me

    Did my complex in increments of 5# and worked up to a 5# power clean pr of 155 and push jerk 10# pr of 150.. yay!

    EMOM completed with DR at 225

    All around a good night!

  4. A. Strict HSPUs not even to the ground and only did 30, skipped kips to save my neck
    B. Complex got to 145, and wished I was smart like Jor and did 5# jumps coz don't feel like I got anything out of it
    C. Complete

  5. A) completed in sets of 5 except the last set of strict, (tried to go at dans casual pace for strict deficit HSPUs, couldn't keep up)
    B)complex completed at 225 failed the clean at 235, might have been a push jerk PR for me.
    C)rounds 1 threw 5 done at 335, last 2 done at 315. (PR before this was 315, hit 365 warming up but decided the after a tough week on legs and back it was not a good idea to do 21 reps at a 50lb PR)
