Monday, December 15, 2014

Tuesday December 16, 2014

A) 10min Build to a Heavy Snatch
B) 10min EMOM 1 Snatch + 2 OHS

C) 1 Round 
2000m Row 
50 Pistols 
30 Hang Cleans 225/135lbs

D) 10min EMOM alternating 
20' HSW 
40 Double unders


  1. A. Worked up to 120, failed 125 before time ran out
    B. Did the emom at 85 bc my body forgot how to snatch
    C. 20:11 ps I hate you for this one
    D. I managed to do soome handstand walks

  2. A. Got to 115

    B. Done with 90# because I apparently also forgot how to snatch

    C. 20:46.. row was the shittiest part for me. Pistols felt good, HPCL felt heavy at that weight but I kind of liked it

    D. Skipped this part bc I had to bake cookies

    1. Dude only valid if she SHARES said cookies!

    2. Jordana last week "im gunna do GHD instead of handstand walks, because abs"
      Jordana this week "im not doing handstand walks because I need to bake cookies"

    3. hahahah Rob, good point!
      Cookies to come tonight at CFM!

  3. A)snatch. 175, 185, 195, 205, 215(PR) 220(f)
    B)emom, first 2 min at 185, then started failing the snatch and went down to 175 for the last 7 min.
    C)25 20. the cleans absolutely murdered me. tried to do doubles for the first ten but it was crushing me and I needed a full min to recover. went to single and it got a but better. still took me about 13 min for just the cleans tho.
    D)completed, actually tried to do faster HSWs for the last couple rounds.

  4. A) Snatch - Within 10min 195. Hit 205 at 10:30ish.
    B) EMOM - 185
    C) 19:56
    Paced the row, finished around 7:50.
    Completed the cleans in sets of 3 except for the last 6.
    D) Complete

  5. A. I thought we were supposed to work up to heavy enough for part B so stopped at 125
    B. Complex at 125
    C. Pistols fried me, hangs done in sets of 5 , 19:12
    D. Compete and feeling good about walks
