Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Wednesday December 17, 2014

A) HSPU 15 strict 6" defecit + 15 kip at 6"deficit

B)  Take work up to 90% 1RM Clean

C) 2 Clean (any style) & Push Jerk add 10lbs EMOM Starting weight 165/115lbs

D) 5 rounds 
20cal Row 
8 Shoulder to overhead 165/115lbs 8 Burpee over box 24/20"


  1. A) Complete
    B) 275=90% of 1RM
    C) 245 complete
    255 (2 cleans, no jerk)
    D) 13:10

  2. Stuck to 155 on the cleans

    B. Power snatch doubles EMOM and got to 110 for a pr!

    C. Subbed SOH for front squats to save my collarbone and shoulders so I can do weightlifting tomorrow... horrible idea. 18:20

  3. A. Strict and kippinf without deficit
    B. 175# clean
    C. emom got up to 150 but failed, and this time I jumped in increments of 5# instead to get more work in
    D. 18:12

  4. A)strict- 4,4,2,3,2
    B)hit 235 clean
    C)emom- successfully hit 235, then 2 power cleans at 245. no jerk,
    D)14 40
