Sunday, December 7, 2014

Monday December 8, 2014

Next week Monday will be an important day. Just a heads up

A) Warmup 4 Rounds 
Tabata Hand Stand Hold 
Toes To Bar 
Double Unders

B) Back Squat 
1*5 60% 
1*5 65% 
1*5 70% 
1*5 75%

C) Jerk 4 x 3 x 85%

D) Row 5 k
Time to put your pacing to the test. 
Guys aim for 19min
Ladies aim for 21 and faster if your tall. 
I suggest setting your Rowers to the 5k setting showing your projected finish time based on the speed you are working at. That will help you with pacing. 


  1. B) 190, 205, 225, 245
    C) 175, 175, 185
    D) Will try this later in the week when I'm not sick

  2. A) Completed
    B) 230, 250, 270, 290
    C) Stopped @ 185 to work on proper form.
    D) 20:47

  3. A. Completed
    B. 125/135/145/155
    C. 135
    D. 23:18... Which is a pr from last time so I'm happy about that

  4. A) complete
    B) 245, 265, 285, 305
    C) 135, 155, 185, 205, 225, 245 x3 for each. Wrist is still sore
    D) 20:19 low back & glute smoked

  5. A) completed
    B) 225. 235. 255. 275
    C) done at 235
    D) 19:33.. my assssss

  6. A) Complete
    B) 225lbs, 255lbs, 275lbs, 295lbs
    C) 255lbs for 4 sets
    D) 20:12

  7. A) Skipped to save time.
    B) Back Squat 245x5 - 265x5 - 285x5 - 305x5
    C) Jerk 4x3 @ 268
    D) 19:05

  8. A) completed
    B) 185/195/210/225
    C) 12 x 1 @ 190lbs
    D) 19:21

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. B) squats 185 200 215 230
    C)jerks built up to 225, did it on the blocks, only 2 of the 4 sets at 225 were completely repped out, the other 2 I dropped the weight and picked it up right away.
    D) 28 59

  11. A) Completed
    B) 195, 205, 225, 255 (3x5)
    C) 195 x 2, 195 x 2, 185 x 3, 185 x 3 - Couldn't catch a good breath on the last rep at that weight, scaled down to 185.
    D) Need to row this 5K this week, I came in too late. Will post my 5k time though
