Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wendesday October 29, 2014

a) Warm up
3 Rounds
15 Chest to Bar Pullups
Max Hand stand holds

b) 20 minutes:
Find a Max Clean

c) 20-15-10-5
Shoulder to Overhead 135lbs
Toes to Bar

Rest 5min

d) 1200m Row

VIDEOS or it didnt happen!! Intstagram your pr's and use #cristiniprogramming


  1. Clean only. Tied 315#. Missed 320# about 9 million times

  2. b) 255/275/305/330/340 … almost had 345 (15lbs PR)

    c) 5:33

    d) airdyne for 5 minutes instead of rowing **shoulder/lat injury

  3. A) Warm up complete

    B) 305lbs clean, 5lbs pr!

    C) 6:00

    D) 4:20, total time was 15:30

  4. A. Didn't do ANY C2B, hands are taking a beating. Shoulder taps with hand stand holds
    B. Not even close to a PR, failed 185 too many times and scared the 6am with vicious streams of curse words
    C. 11:10, are anyone else's hands killing??!!
    D. 5:00

  5. a) didn't really do the full warm up, did some strict pull ups and some handstands but my hands were smoked and I wanted to save them for T2Bs
    b)cleans 225 235 245 255(f) 255 10 lb pr (also pr for my front squat so im pretty sure that's what is holding me back on cleans)
    c) 5 20
    d)4 29(I think I could of pushed a bit harder but my legs were totally smoked)
