Thursday, October 16, 2014

Friday October 17, 2014

a) 3 rounds
5 muscle ups
40 double unders
15ft handstand walk

b) Back Squat
1x8 65%
1x8 70%
1x6 80%
1x6 85%

c) 50 Burpee to target 6'' above max reach
40 Thrusters 95/65lbs
30 Toes to bar
20 Chest to bar pullups
10 Clean and jerks 185/125
(only 1 bar)

Post your times/ scores/ results to comments


  1. A) Warm up completed

    B) 1 x 8 @ 205, 1 x 8 @ 225, 1 x 6 @ 255, 1 x 5 @ 275 (failed on 6th rep, again)

    C) This killed me. I'm writing this comment from the afterlife.

  2. Well that was fun!
    A. Warm up completed using a box to jump into rings (cheater!!!)

    B. Messed up my first set in went 5# heavier
    8x 165
    8x 175
    6x 195
    6x 210..although was called
    Out for parallel on rep 6 by super narc
    Extraordinaire Mr. John Slike

    3. 21:41, burpees UB, sets
    Of 10 for thrusters, T2B were good and realized with all the other shit focused on I forgot C2B..that was where it fell apart for me. Jerks were
    Ok, missed about 4 reps tho coz I thought a belt would help but hindered

  3. A) complete - sub walks for holds
    B) 265, 285, 325, 345x2 (stopped, felt unstable)
    C) 16:14

  4. Warm up - check
    Squat 265-285-325-330
    WOD 12:69

    Have a good weekend !

  5. Didnt backsquat since I backsquatted at weightlifting club last night

    WOD 13:17

  6. A) Complete

    B) 255/275/310/330

    C) 11:10

  7. b)back squat
    200 215 245 260. I was surprised I got all the squats done after that week because I failed on Tuesday with the same weight.
    c)15 47 C2Bs were really bad.
