Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monday October 27, 2014

a) Warm up 3 rounds 
10-15 ring dips (tempo 2121)
10 strict C2B pullups 
30 sec L sit

b) Back Squat
1x8 65%
1x8 70%
1x6 80%
1x6 85%

c) Push Press
4x10 65%

d) Airdyne or Row
15 Rounds 20 Seconds on 40 seconds Rest for calories


  1. A) Warm-up completed

    B) 8 @ 205, 8 @ 225, 6 @ 255, 6 @ 270

    C) Progressed up to 10 @ 115, took a while to warm up my shoulders

    D) 169 calories on the Airdyne

  2. Bacl squat
    225, 245, 270, 275

    Push press at 145, tried to make everyset fast, smooth and with no pause or break

    155 cals on the airdyne

  3. A) complete
    B) 265, 285, 325, 345
    C) 165
    D) 163 (rower)

  4. Squats: 145/155/175/190.... Accidentally operated on the fact that I was using a 45lb bar except I wasn't. Idk.
    Push press : 1 x 10 x 95
    3 x 10 @ 100
    Air dyne: 133 cal

  5. A. Warm up notta so good..2 rounds only coz I was pressed for time

    B. Squats: 8x 160, 8x 175, 6x 195, 6x 210 ..felt good

    C. Push press @ 85# and steady up and down, only took a second on 8 @ set 4

    D. 131, JESUS ANDY!!!

  6. A) Complete

    B) Backsquats
    8 x @245
    8 x @260
    6 x @300
    6 x @320

    C) Push press
    4 sets of 10 @155

    D) 166 cals on airdyne

  7. b)back squats
    8@ 200
    I think I might be getting stronger cuz I didn't feel like I was squatting great but I got through all the lifts, and a couple weeks ago I would of had to be perfect to get them all done.
    c)push press
    10@ 135
    10@ 140
    10@ 145
    10@ 150
    haven't maxed out a psh press in a while so I had to guess what I was at, did them all with only resting at the top.
    D) row 150 calories.

  8. A) complete
    B) back squats
    8 @ 205
    8 @ 225
    6 @ 255
    6 @ 270
    c) push press
    4 x 10 @ 115/125
    d) air dyne 144 cals
