Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday October 28, 2014

a) Warm Up
ScapJack Crossover syymetry (the reverse side of the CrossOver program)

b) Power Snatch + Snatch -
75%x (1+1) x 4 (% of power snatch) 

c) Snatch Balance -

d) 5 Rounds
5 Power Snatch 155/105
5 Muscleups
Rest 2min   

rest 5 minutes

e) 6min AMRAP
7 Deadlifts 315/225lbs
5 Strict HSPU


  1. A) Warm-up complete

    B) 2 sets @ 115, 2 sets @120

    C) 3 x 2 @ 100, 3 x 2 @ 107, 1 x 3 @ 115

    D & E) Had to scale the weight on both the power snatch and the deadlift, though the MU and HSPU were fine. 36 minutes all in. Lost a lot of time at the beginning trying (and failing) to go Rx on the snatches

  2. A) Complete
    B) 160
    C) 11:42
    D) 3 rounds 6 deads - should have went tap and go.

  3. A) completed

    B) 115

    C) 110/115/125

    D) 23:30. *155 is my power snatch 1RM. It was a struggle to get thru 25 of em and they weren't pretty, but they went up.

    E) 5 Rounds.

  4. B) power snatch at 145X4

    C) 150, 160, 170.. kept failing at 170.. pissed me off

    D) first round took 53 seconds then it was 340, 625, 916, 1207 including breaks.. didnt want to do math but it was less then a minute a round, had to do singles on snatches. Tap and go got too sloppy

    Deadlift wod got 4 rounds and 1 deadlift.. deadlifts felt heavier then usual but all in all were good, went 7 unbroken (but with a slight pause at the top) until the 4th round.. did 5 and 2

  5. Snatch - 95 x 4
    Snatch balance - 95/105/115
    WOD 1: made a total of 10 muscle ups in the 5 rounds. Did 5 attempts each round.
    WOD 2: 3 rounds.

  6. snatch- 140 145 145 145
    snatch balance- 140 150 160
    workout- 51
    1 03
    1 10
    6 min amrap- 3 rounds and 1 deadlift

    for the first part of the workout I was able to rep out the snatches which I didn't think I could do at that weight, the first round would of been faster but my foot hit the ground during my muscle ups and I fell off the rings (maybe we could get some slightly higher rings some day, as the short crossfitters already have enough advantages!) the deadlift workout was pretty rough for me, no excuses I just suck at heavy deadlifts. the HSPUs were all unbroken and fast but that just gave me more time to stand there looking at my bar bell.

  7. A. Complete. .lovin that thing
    B. @95
    C. 110, 120 then singles at 125
    D. Sub'd MUs for C2Bs, 14:10
    E. Rx'd dead lifts but used abmat and 15# plate for HSPUs, 3 rounds 4DLs
