Friday, October 10, 2014

Saturday October 11, 2014

A) 8min cap
25 Handstand push-ups (buy-in)
remaining time,
10 Overhead squats @ 65/95
15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
10 Overhead squats @ 95/135
15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
10 Overhead squats @ 115/155
15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
10 Overhead squats @ 135/185
15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
For time.
1min rest, then
max reps Deadlift 315/225lbs

B) Snatch Push Press - 65%x5x2, 70%x5x2

C) EMOM 15mins
Weighted Ring Dips 5 reps
Strict Chest to bar pullups 8
30 Sec L-sit hold


  1. A) 8min cap
    25 Handstand push-ups (buy-in) completed in 1min
    remaining time,

    10 Overhead squats @ 65/95
    15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
    10 Overhead squats @ 95/135
    15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
    10 Overhead squats @ 115/155 only did 2 reps

    B) Snatch Push Press - 65%x5x2 @107lbs
    70%x5x2 @115lbs

    C) EMOM 15mins
    Weighted Ring Dips 5 reps (used weighted vest)
    Strict Chest to bar pullups 8 (did strict pull ups)
    30 Sec L-sit hold onle held for 15-20 seconds

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. A) Back blew up doing this workout a few days ago, giving it another go in a few days, completed 7 OHS at 185lbs with lots of back pain.

    B) Snatch Push Press - 65% 5x2 @ 165, 70% 5x2 @ 185…based the numbers off my 1 rep max snatch.

    C) EMOM Complete

    Weighted Ring Dips 5 reps (used 16 kg kettle bell) all unbroken
    Strict Chest to bar pullups ..these got slow on my last set.
    30 Sec L-sit hold .. i suck at these, can only hold for a solid 15 seconds.

  4. A) All HSPU strict sub 60s
    B) 5x reps @135# - likely due to A) above and flexibility
    C) 5x2x155#, 5x2x165#
    D) Complete . Missed a few reps.
    E) aftwod - c&j and snatch

  5. A) FInished the wod with 6 Overhead Squats at 185lbs and 8 Deadlifts at 315, with lots of back pain.
    B) 5x2 @155 5x2 @165
    D) Emom Complete
    Use a 40lbs vest for the weighted ring dips
    Strict C2B last 2 sets, some of the reps had a little kip in them
    30 sec l-sit hold: two sets were unbroken, rest were accumulated 30 seconds

  6. Great work this week everyone! Percentages are going to keep moving up and hopefully you guys will adjust to the amount of volume needed for full performance based programming!

  7. WOD - subbed strict press at 65% max for HSPU and heavier front squats for OHS - got to finish my third round before being time capped

    Push Press - 75-75-85-85 felt pretty easy

  8. A) 8min cap
    25 Handstand push-ups (buy-in)
    remaining time,
    10 Overhead squats @ 65/95
    15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
    10 Overhead squats @ 95/135
    15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
    10 Overhead squats @ 115/155
    15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
    10 Overhead squats @ 135/185
    15 Box jump overs @ 20″/24″
    For time.
    1min rest, then
    max reps Deadlift 315/225lbs

    I did this on thursday last week.. didn't start the last round. finished the round of 115 and box jump overs and had about 30-40 seconds left but changing the weights took too long.
    & 10 deadlifts!

  9. A) 25 Hspu
    10 ohs @ 95
    15 box jump overs
    10 ohs @ 135
    15 box jump overs
    10 ohs @ 155
    15 box jump overs
    9 ohs @ 185
    + 12 deadlifts
