Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friday October 31, 2014

a) Warm up
3 rounds 
10-15 ring dips (tempo 2121)
10 strict C2B pullups 
30 sec L sit

b) Back Squat
1*8 65%
1*8 70%
1*8 75%
1*8 80%

C) 50 Wallballs 20/14lbs
75 double undrs
50 CTB pullups
75 double unders
50 wallballs
75 double unders

rest 3 mins

D) 2 min AMRAP
Max reps Clean anyway 225/155lbs


  1. A. Complete-ish, only did 5 strict C2B
    B. 160, 175, 185, 195 and feeling easier and more comfy bottoming out
    C. 16:20, C2B weren't as bad as I thought
    D. 6 reps, should have warmed up in the 3min break for those of you still going later

  2. A) Warm-up completed. both the dips and the strict C2B seemed easier this time around

    B) 8 @ 205, 8 @ 225, 8 @ 240, 8 @ 255

    Worked on weighted strict pull ups

  3. A) complete
    B) 265, 285, 305, DNF
    C) 17:40
    D) 13

  4. Only did the sod today, didn't have time to do the squats.

    C) 14:50

    D) 12 cleans

  5. b) back squats 200 215 230 245
    c)14 48
    d)7 cleans (failed a clean with 5 seconds to go)
