Monday, October 6, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

 Warm up with class

Warm up shoulders with CrossOver Symmetry 

A) 1 Power Snatch + 2 Squat Snatch - x 4
75%  of power snatch

B) Snatch Balance -

C) 24 min EMOM
6 Strict HSPU
15 box jumps overs 24/20''
40 double unders

Post Scores to comments


  1. A) 1power snatch + 2 squat snatch x 4 @95lbs --> I don't know my 1RM for power snatch so I went 75% of my squat snatch 1RM

    B) snatch balance x 3 x 4 @ 75lbs -- > off of squat snatch number again.

    C) I can ALMOST do strict HSPU now! I can do with 1 ab mat under my head... but only a few. So for the strict HSPU I used a 10lb plate and an ab mat under my head--- ankle height --- rather than switching it for kipping because I want to get the strict soon.
    Otherwise all complete.

  2. A)1 power snatch + 2 squat snatch x 4 @ 125 lbs

    B) snatch balance 3 x 4 @ 105 lbs

    Hip flexor was feeling tight. Did some mobility work before/after WOD.

    c) 24 min EMOM completed

  3. Didn't snatch, didn't snatch balance but did light sets of BHN snatch grip push press at 75-80#.

    Subbed strict press at 65 for hspu, finished sets within 20-25secs

  4. A) 1 power snatch + 2 squat snatch x 4 @ 165lbs

    B) Snatch balance 3 x 4 @ 145lbs, based off my 1 rep max snatch

    Hip flexor was feeling tight. Did some mobility work before/after WOD.

    c) 24 min EMOM completed - all rounds on HSPU unbroken except for last when i added a deficit and failed on the 5th rep.


  5. A) 1 Power Snatch + 2 Squat Snatch (x4) @155lbs
    B) Snatch Blance 3x4 @135
    C) 24min EMOM - completed unbroken
    Started doing deficit HSPU approximately halfway through.

  6. A) 160

    B) 130

    C)All HSPU + BJ's Unbroken. Tripped up a couple on DU's
