Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday October 16, 2014

Warm up
15 min EMOM
30 sec Lsit
8 Hamstring Extensions
Strict dips 8-10 Tempo 20x2

5x2 below knee + 1 full clean
heavier then last week

Clean Pull 5x3
10-20% above 1RM  heavier than last week

If you see something like 3030 or 40x0 or 20x2
The First Number – The first number refers to the lowering (eccentric) phase of the lift. Using our front squat example, the 3 will represent the amount of time (in seconds) that it should take you to descend to the bottom of the squat. (The first number always refers to the lowering/eccentric phase, even if the movement begins with the ascending/concentric phase, such as in a pull-up.)
The Second Number – The second number refers to the amount of time spent in the bottom position of the lift – the point in which the lift transitions from lowering to ascending. In our front squat example, the prescribed 0 means that the athlete should reach the bottom position and immediately begin their ascent. If, however, the prescription was 32X0, the athlete would be expected to pause for 2 seconds at the bottom position.
The Third Number – The third number refers to ascending (concentric) phase of the lift – the amount of time it takes you to get to the top of the lift. Yes, I am aware that X is not a number. The X signifies that the athlete should EXPLODE the weight up as quickly as possible. In many cases, this will not be very fast, but it is the intent that counts – try to accelerate the weight as fast as you can. If the third number is a 2, it should take the athlete 2 seconds to get the lift to the top regardless of whether they are capable of moving it faster.
The Fourth Number – The fourth number refers to how long you should pause at the top of the lift. Take, for example, a weighted pull-up prescription of 20X2, the athlete would be expected to hold his or her chin over the bar for two seconds before beginning to come down.


  1. A. Warm up completed, but Harris and I accidentally did back extensions instead. Discovered that L sits are NOT in fact named after
    Me as rounds 2-5 were a GD struggle. By round 5 I was only getting a couple dips so I did negatives for remaining reps

    B. Used 145 to start the complex and did 2 sets at 155 and failed the other sets by the 3rd lift

    C. Started pills at 195, then worked
    % up to 215 (10%)

  2. A. Warm up completed

    B. 145, 165, 185 sets completed before it was pointed out that the first two reps were full cleans. Whoops. 165 and 175 for final two sets.

    C. Pulls at 255.

  3. Warm up - had to accumulate my 30sec L-sits after the first round. Dips I used red band.

    2 hang cleans + 1 full clean - worked up to 165 successfully. Tried @ 175 and failed 3 times and gave up after that.

    Clean pulls 5 x 3 completed at 205. Even with straps these are so hard to hold onto for 3 reps.

    Tried to work muscle ups for a bit but mostly just got frustrated.

    Did a 12 minute AMRAP of 10 WB(20lb) 10 burpees 30 DU and was 30 DUs short of 6 rounds.

  4. A) Warm Up completed

    B) 135lbs, 185lbs, 225lbs, 245lbs 265lbs, 275lbs for one, failed the second rep

    C) Right hamstrings started hurting really bad, so I couldn't do anymore pulling.
