Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday October 10, 2014

a) Warm up
3 rounds
4-7 muscle ups
40 double unders
15' HSW

b) 3-Position Snatch -

c) Snatch Pull - 85%x5x4

d) Back Squat
1*10 60%
1*8 65%
1*8 70%
1*8 75%

e) 4 rounds
Row 400m / Airdyne 30cals
5 power Cleans 205/140lbs
12 toes to bar
rest 3 mins


  1. A) Warm up completed
    B) 3-Poistion Snatch - 95lbs & 115 lbs
    C) Snatch Pull - 115, 125, 135, 135, 145
    D) Back Squat - 10 @ 190, 8 @ 205, 8 @ 220, 6 @ 235
    E) Only completed two rounds as I ran out of time and had to get to work

  2. A) √
    B) 130, 140
    C) 185
    D) 10x 245, 8x 265, 8x 285, 8x 305
    E) 19.59

  3. A) Warm up completed

    B) 3-Postion Snatch - completed all at 155 = 65 %

    C) Snatch Pull - 5x4 - 205

    D) Back Squat - 235/255/275/295

    E) Completed all rounds, finished the workout at 18:13

  4. BS - 145-155-165-175 8 at 175 felt pretty heavy, was a struggle

    WOD - 3:07, 3:39, 3:21, 3:35 total time 22:42
    row was hard as rowing usually is - did wod with T2B
