Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014

a) Warm up
Crossover Symmetry 

b) 1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch - (% of power snatch) 
70-75%   x 2 sets
85% x 3

c) Snatch Balance -

d) 4 rounds
10 power cleans 185/115lbs
15 burpee box jump overs 24/20''
20 double unders
rest 3 mins
after final round rest 3 mins then

e) 30 strict HSPU, accumulate in as few sets as possible


  1. A) Warm-up Complete

    B) 1st set @ 95, 2nd @ 100, 3rd @ 105, 4th @ 110, 5th at 115 and bonus set @ 120

    C) 3x2 @ 95, 1x3 @ 105, 3x2 @ 115

    D) 25:01 Rx

    E) Completed in 7 sets

  2. A) complete
    B) 165, 180
    C) 140, 150, 160
    D) 2:05, 7:22, 13:14, 19:08
    E) 5 sets - 3:23

  3. B) 140, 160

    C) 140, 150, 160
    Im not sure of what happened to me but I shit the bed hard on snatches and snatch balance kept failing im not sure why.. on snatch balance I failed on the first 2 weights the first couple times but didnt fail once on the last heaviest weight.... I dunno

    D) 210 210 213 220 total tome 17:54

    Hspu in 5 sets.. think I went out too hot on the first set

  4. Power snatch + 2 full snatch:
    90 x 2
    100 x 3

    Snatch balance:
    85 95 105

    0:00- 2:14

    20 strict hspu w/ 1 ab mat in 7 sets
    10 kipping hspu.: 1 set

  5. A. Complete

    B. 75-80-85-90-95

    C. 75-80-80-85-85-85-90-90-90 (no fails! Woo!)

    D. 1:50 - 2:09 - 2:20 - 2:26 total time 17:45

    E. Skipped HSPU to do some shoulder mobility

  6. A) Complete

    B) Power Snatch + 2 Squat Snatches
    2 x 155
    3 x 170

    C) Snatch Balance
    3x2 @160
    3x2 @170
    3x2 @185

    D) Total time 17:48

    E) Did it in 5 sets

  7. A) Warm up complete

    B) Power Snatch + 2 Squat Snatches
    95, 105, 115, 125, @ 85% 135 x 3

    C) Snatch Balance
    3x2 @ 105
    3x2 @ 115
    3x2 @ 125

    D) Total time 24:30

    E) 30 strict HSPU in 3 sets (15,10, 5)

  8. snatch) 140, 140, 155, 160, 160
    snatch balance) 3x2 @ 130, 140, 150
    workout) 2 13, 2 20, 2 32, 2 57. 19 02 total.
    3 min rest 30 strict HSPUs in 5 sets, forgot to check time on those.

  9. A) Warm up complete

    B) Power snatch + 2 squat snatches
    185/200lbs, based it off squat snatch accidentally, no fails

    C) Snatch balance .. 160/170/185

    D) Again, should of read the wod closely, did box jump overs instead of burpee box jumps, ah well.

    E) 30 HSPU in 4 sets…15/4/6/5

  10. Ok I'm a day behind y'all...

    A.warm up doneski

    B. Snatch complex @ 100# then @ 115#

    C. Snatch balance @ 100 then 110 then 117# (that's right I used the fractional plates!) that even what they're called?

    D. Total time 19:08
    *unbroken cleans, legs felt super heavy during the burpees and dubs were el garbage! Very disappointed by that but my head was somewhere else

    E. Ok so strict HSPUs still aren't my thang so I used 2 stacked abmats coz only one was killing me in set one! Didn't count my sets but only got max 4 and it took about 8 mins
