Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

a) 8min EMOM
 7 Butterfly Chest to Bar Pullups
30 second Hand stand hold

 b) Clean
5x2 below knee heavier then last week

c) Clean Pull
5x3 5% heavier than last week

d) 4 Rounds
15 Shoulder to Overhead 115/85lbs
30 Wall Balls
Finish off with 30 Butterfly CTB inlcude time of CTB

Post times/ scores/ weights and even videos of lifts to comments.


  1. A) Complete

    B) 265/285/295/305 (pr), 315 (pr)

    C) Back was fatigued from cleans, did a few sets at 315 and stopped. 365 was not happening.

    D) Total time including CTB: 9:38

  2. 225/ 245/ 255/ 265/ 275 for one (tied full clean pr)

    Clean pulls at 300

    Total time including C2B 12:40 did 30 c2b unbroken

  3. A. Three rounds done

    B. 135-145-155-160 for one (PR!)

    C. Did clean DL sets of 3 at 205

    D. 11:16 wod - no C2B

    *feedback - this week was by far the most difficult including Sunday's team training. My traps are absolutely shot, just my two cents.

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  5. A) Warm up complete

    B) 225lbs, 245lbs, 265lbs, 275lbs, 285 for 1

    C) Clean pulls at 345lbs

    Total time including C2B is 12:54

  6. b) cleans 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210. actually the first time since the start of the programming that I felt ok doing the cleans, might of been able to go heavier but I wanted to keep my back from rounding and really focus on good form.
    c) clean pulls, warm up at 205 then worked at 265, I think my numbers say I should be going heavier but It wasn't going to happen.
    d) workout 13 05 including the C2Bs, the pull ups were pretty sad, I only got 8 my first set, this programming is making me realize my chest to bars suck when im tired and I need to work on that.

  7. warm up complete

    Hang cleans
    2 x 135
    2 x 155
    2 x 165
    2 x 175
    2 x 185 PR
    1 x 195 PR

    Clean pulls @ 215

    WOD with c2b 15:30

  8. A) complete
    B) 225, 245, 265, 285, 305 - PR
    C) 330, 350, 355
    D) 16:08

  9. A. Used regular C2B coz can't butter..

    B. Clean complex stayed at 155 as had a bit of a mishap in the catch of the second lift @ 165 and couldn't continue

    C. Did a couple warm up sets @ 205 and 215 then only completed 3 @ 225

    D. 11:57 with 9' target and NO C2Bs ...is anyone else's hands fried??!!
    Legs felt spent from yesterday's and hands just weren't cooperating..onward and upwards
