Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Wednesday April 1, 2015

Boys and girls. Competition season is about to get started. A few comps you guys should definitely sign up for 1. Members comp https://www.facebook.com/events/1388726491449321/ this is a must do. CFM and RCFEW members only! May 16th. 2. Element Ontario Open https://www.facebook.com/events/865393103517934/ June 27th. 3. team comp, teams of 4 people june 6-7th. http://sweatrxevents.com/events-view/intermediate-teams-masters-teams/

a) Snatch
5x1 90%1RM
5x1 85% 1RM

b) Snatch Balance 
3x2 with a 3second pause at the bottom

c) For Time:
Split Jerk 135/95
Burpees over Bar


  1. A) Completed. Didn't meet the %
    B) Completed.
    C) Completed: 12:48

  2. A) 5 x 1 @ 135 - very ugly. Took a lot of tries to complete 5 successful
    5 x 1 @ 125
    B) done @ 95/115/125
    C) done. time-8:20

  3. A) 135, not at %
    B) 125
    C) Done at 115 as shoulder was not feeling great

  4. A) 90% 5x1 snatches @130lbs
    85% 5x1 snatches @125lbs
    B) snatch balance @115lbs
    C) finished 21 reps of split jerk @135lbs and burpee over bar...then had to run to work...

    1. A) #185 5x1, #175 5x1 then 195 randomly because I like to put more weight on than I'm supposed to..no misses
      B) climbing in wt, 195, 205, 215 (only got a single)
      C) 6:00

  5. a)5x1 at 195
    5x1 at 185
    B) did snatch pulls from Monday, one set at 225, then 4 sets of 245, all for triples with straps
    C)21 15 9
    hang power cleans
    burpees over bar

  6. A) (90%) 5x1 at 215lbs, (85%) 5x1 at 195lbs
    B) Kept going till i failed, got 225lbs for 2, tried to go for 245lbs, only got 1
    C) 6:03

  7. A. Hit my first 140 no problem and all the rest were misses, the 130s were also tough
    B. Got up to 125 (shoulders felt like gumby)
    C. 7:30
