Sunday, March 29, 2015

Monday March 30, 2015

A) 15.5 
One more attempt. The open is coming to an end. 15.5 will go down as one of the greatest test of your abilities in CrossFit. And now that you've done it once, it's time to do what you can, outwork your last effort, better plan, and less breaks. If you were in the 9-10 min range you should be able to make up 30 seconds by dropping the bar 1x less and now that you know where you want to drop, you will know that if you don't, you will beat your last score and dealing with the pain will be worth it. GOOD LUCK!

B) 5x5 weighted pull-ups 

C) 5x3 snatch pulls 110% of 1RM snatch 


  1. even though I said Saturday there was NOOOOOO way I'd do this one again...
    He wrote it so I did it!

    A. Wasn't able to drop the bar less,
    Allowed on drop per round (except 9s) but did different rep schemes and felt he recovery wasn't favourable..finished 4 seconds slower this attempt

    B. 6kg KB

    C. Pulls started at 170, but switched to 165 by round 3 to have tighter form

  2. A) Did it once, 9:23

    B) 50lbs weighted pull ups

    C) Did the snatch pulls at 255lbs

  3. didn't redo the open, mostly because iv been working threw a shoulder issue for the last 4 weeks and it just wasn't worth it
    A)20 rep back squat. 200lbs
    B) 2km row for time. 7 10 (not the best, would like to get it down close to 7 flat)
