Monday, March 30, 2015

Tuesday March 31, 2015

A) C&J
5x1 90%1RM
5x1 85% 1RM
5x1 Clean 

B) Clean Pulls
5x5 110% 1RM

C) Class Wod Optional 


  1. A) 5 x 1 @ 170
    5x1 @ 160
    Cleans @ 170-175-180-185-failed 190- didn't try again bc the 185 and 190 really bothered my knee
    B) 2 x 5 clean pulls at 210
    C) Couldn't bring myself to do another WOD with any sort of thrusters....
    So airdyne - 15sec on. 45 sec off. 10 rounds, 79 calories- kept watts above 400.

    So sore today from 15.5 / I was at the gym for almost 3hrs and only accomplished this.

  2. A) 5x1 #245
    5x1 #225
    265(2), 275(2) failed a couple so went back to 265 for consistency
    B) #315
    C) Did your wod..felt strong on the rower but my legs are gone

  3. A) #195, # 185, #225
    B) #275
    C) 4 Rounds

  4. A. 155, 145, then got up to 185 and failed
    B. Pulls done at 200
    C. Went for a run instead on my work break
