Sunday, March 8, 2015

Monday March 9, 2015

A)Warm up
15 Box Jump 30/24"
Hand stand hold Max time

B)  Front Squat 
quickly find a 2 RM

C) 20 rep BACK squat

D) 5 Rounds
10 Thrusters 95/65lbs
Burpee over bar

Rest 2min

E) 20 M-ups for time


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A) Completed
    B) 265 lbs
    C) 200 lbs
    D) Completed

    Did some judging for 15.2 so I couldn't do the MU portion

  3. kinda been all over the last 2 weeks as I hurt my shoulder so trying to avoid that except for the open so I have been avoiding a lot of the specific workouts posted on CP. did part of today on Tuesday.
    2 rep front squat. took a bit more time so I could get a good workout from the squats,
    built up to hitting 280 for a double which is a pretty huge PR for me as my 1 rep max was 275.
    then did the class workout of 10 min emom of 1 power clean 2 hang power clean (no dropping) at 205, was a bit tougher then I thought it would be especially on my hands the day after 15.2
    then 40 30 20 10
    BOX jumps
    double unders
    time- 4:48
