Sunday, March 1, 2015

Monday March 2, 2015

a) Front Squat
quickly find a 3 RM

b) 20 rep BACK squat

c) 10min EMOM
Squat Snatch
start weight at 75% of 1RM add 5lbs total each round.
If you fail a rep, go back to the last completed weight and continue the emom at that weight.

d) 4 rounds
30 double unders
10 box jumps 24/20
5 muscle ups
rest 1 min between rounds

rest 5mins

e) 5 min amrap
max reps of squat clean to overhead 165/115lbs


  1. A) 3RM - 200lbs -- tied previous. 1 rep at 210 and 205. Front squats were the devil today.
    B) 20 rep back squat at 150. So heavy.
    C) snatch EMOM - 110-115-120-125-125(failed first try so repeated the next minute-130-135-140-145-150!!! PR!
    D) finished 3 rounds in 23:44 - most muscle ups I've done in a day.
    E) 22 reps.
    What a day. Ow.

  2. 15.1- 160/255
    A) worked up to #315 for 3
    B) skipped my lower back was sore when I'd squat to full depth (rolled out)
    C) decided unintentionally that 5lbs meant 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205 (tied PR), 210 failed but maintained the last few minutes at "pr" weight
    D) rd one: 1min, rnd two: 57sec, rnd three: 1:01, rnd 4: 1:10
    E) skipped

  3. A) 245
    B) 195
    C) Skipped to judge Tommy for 15.1
    D) Finished. Unbroken MU for first two rounds, 4+1 then 3+2

  4. A) only hit 265 for a double so not very happy with that.
    B)done at 185
