Thursday, February 26, 2015

Friday Feb 27, 2015

If you want to do the WOD together, feel free to come to Markham at 6:00pm to start your warm up. Actual heats will start closer to 7:00pm.

We will also be doing re-do's at Markham on sunday at either 11:00 or 12:00pm. Message Steve for a time on Saturday.

a) Warm up
toes to bar
deadlifts 115/75lbs
snatches 115/75lbs

b) Clean and jerk percentage warm up
5 Reps at 50-60%
3 reps at 60-70%
1 rep at 70-80%
1 rep at 80-90%

c) 15.1
9-minute AMRAP:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts
5 snatches

  (M 115 lb. /  F 75 lb.)
D) 15.1A
6 mins to find a 1RM clean and jerk

- We suggest breaking up the toes to bar into 2 sets by the 2nd round.
- Deadlifts and snatches should be unbroken.
- Focus on a consistent pace, not trying to rip one part of the round.
- Transitions per movement should be fast and seamless. Do not take to much time between each movement.
- Keep your barbell close to the pullup rig.
- As we get more feedback from our athletes that do this WOD earlier on, we will post anything else we think that will help you for the wod.

1 comment:

  1. This was great advice and helped a lot when we did it this morning. Steady pacing is important and taking a few breaths between movements will pay off in the last 2 minutes. Toes to bar become really laborsome at the end of round 4 on, so breaking them up is wise.
