Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Wednesday February 11, 2015

A) Warmup 3rds not for time
 5 weighted strict chest to bars 
6 weighted strict dips 
8 Strict hspu

B) Rest 2min between sets 
10 C&J 135/95, 

C) 10min EMOM 
3 Rep Deadlift 335-405
This is a range or weight. Not a ladder. Idea here is volume. Not failure

D) Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of: 
60 Bar-facing burpees 
30 Overhead squats 120/80lbs
10 Muscle-ups
Do not drop the bar. OHS should be unbroken. If anything back back it to rest but try your best not to put it down. 


  1. A. Done (removed half the weights from the vest)
    B. Super fun! Round one took 30 seconds and the rest was down hill..I'm just happy I finished all 10 of each
    C. Deadlifts ranged from 225-245, intended on hitting 265 but felt laboured
    D. 8:15 for everything until the MUs

  2. A. Done
    B. Done
    C. 205/225 were singles...
    C. 365
    D. 1 round + 33 burps

  3. A) Done
    B) 3 rounds at 135, 155, 185.
    C) kept it between 275-295, back was rounding on higher weights so kept it in this range

  4. A) mostly done, a lot of the weighted chest to bar became chin over bar, had to swallow some pride and go from 12kg to 8kg and even then had trouble with hitting all 5 strict.
    C)done at 335, could of gone heavier but I find when im not fresh my deadlifts really suffer.
    D)1 round 11 burps- tried not to game it at all and went fast threw the 60 burpees(fast for me)
    also I thought today was totally perfect for working on what I need to be doing with heavy deads and then an open wod, might do the 10 min emom again at a heavier weight before the open.

  5. A) Complete
    B) 10x135 0:30
    10x165 1:27
    10x205 4:12
    10x225 4:13
    C) 365lbs
    D) Skipped to eat :D
