Friday, February 13, 2015

Saturday February 14, 2015

A) max out a lift. Have some fun. Spend 30 mins here. 

B) 2014 REGIONALS WOD For time: 
50 Calorie row 
50 Box Jump Overs, 24/20
50 Deadlifts, 180lb. 
50 Wall-ball Shots, 20lb. 
50 Ring Dips 
50 Wall-Ball Shots, 20lb. 
50 Deadlifts, 180lb. 
50 Box Jump Overs, 24" 
50 Calorie Row


  1. A) skip
    B) smashfest...40mins on the nose

  2. A) spend a bunch of time BROing out going for a heavy snatch
    slow build up then 155, 175, 185, 195, 210, 220(PR), 225(f)
    im gunna get 225 soon,
    B)28:58, but with only 15 deadlifts in the second round.
    I went threw the rest of the wod really well but my back blew up on the second set of deadlifts and I didn't want to push it to much and risk hurting my back. the time also includes about a min and a half where I sat down thinking I was done then I decided to do the box jumps and the row.
