Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wednesday February 18, 2015

a) Warmup 3rds not for time
5 weighted strict chest to bars
6 weighted strict dips
 8 Strict hspu

b) C&J 10 Reps (Focus on Cycling and different rhythm at different weights)
Rest 3 Minutes between sets

C) 2008 Games WOD Five rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts 275/185 lbs
10 Burpees
2008 Winners: Matt Chan - Libby DiBiase - 3:23    

D) Right into 5min EMOM 5 Muscle-ups


  1. A) Completed
    B) worked up to 155 lbs only, focused on higher reps and cycling the weight
    C) 6:40
    D) 5 reps first set, and then things quickly unravelled

  2. A) Completed
    B) Completed
    C) 4:55
    D) Completed

  3. B)135-31 seconds done unbroken
    185-about a min-4,2,1,1,1,1
    205-just over 2 min-all singles
    D)started at min 6
    first 2 min 5 MUs, last 3 min 3 MUs

  4. A) complete
    B) did 5 reps into 225 (all singles), 185 (3,3,3,1)
    C) did not do my arch in my right foot is rlly sore..perhaps some "itis" going on there
    D) did 10min emom instead started braking sets into 2 for 5 at 7min mark and on..rlly tough still I've been icing the foot all night

  5. A) Complete (10lb plate for c2b, 24kg kb for dips)
    B) 10 x 135 - 0:28 (1x10)
    10 x 185 - 1:45 (2x5)
    10 x 205 - 2:05 (1x4, 1x3, 1x2)
    10 x 225 - 5:16 (10x1)
    C) 3:25 - so close :(
    D) Did not do as an EMOM. Completed a very leisurely 25 muscle ups for time.

  6. A. Ok
    B. Not as good as last week, fell apart at 145 and only for 3 reps at 155
    C. 4:24
    D. Skipped, sorry! Still got nothin heeee
