Thursday, February 12, 2015

Friday November 13, 2015

A) Warmup 3rds not for time 
5 weighted strict chest to bars
 6 weighted strict dips 
8 Strict hspu 

B) 15 mins to find a 1RM backsquat 

C) 20 rep max backsquat 5lbs heavier then last week 

D) OPEN WOD 14.1 7MIN version 
30 Double unders 
15 Snatch 75/55bs

1 comment:

  1. B) back squat- I don't know if it was from my back being smoked or the stupid build up to a heavy single but I only hit 310 for a single (my max is 315) I think on a different day I could of hit a heavier weigh but oh well
    C)20 reps done at 180
    D)220 reps-5 reps shy of 5 rounds
