Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Wednesday Feb 4, 2015

A) Warmup 3rds not for time 
8-10 strict chest to bars 
10 strict dips 
8 kipping hspu

B)12min Work up to a Heavy Single Snatch
C) 4 minutes every 15 seconds 2 Power Snatch 145/110lbs

D) 15min Alternating EMOM 
15 Cal Row 
15 Burpee to a target 


  1. A) completed

    B) stayed at a medium weight, focus on form

    C) Same, did these at 115 lbs with a focus on getting well under the bar

    D) Completed. Really wears you down as you go along.

  2. A) Skipped
    B) 195 - not happy
    C) Missed one set of 2 at the 3:00 mark.
    D) No motivation at all. Went home after the first 3 minutes.

  3. AJDubs, what happened bud?..but I get it

    A. Still no strict C2B, and I'm only doing strict "half way there" HSPUs coz John said im crashing down on my neck too hard!
    B. Tried 145 twice and realised I was at 12:30 so set er down and moved on
    C. It's amazing what missing a week of training can do- still tried to jump from 90 to 110, only lasted a minute then went down to 105 and added and extra 30 seconds
    D. No rounds were complete- mostly coz the C2B but got tired by round 3

  4. I don't know the total rules on the 12 min to hit a snatch, like when to start the clock and if that includes a bit of warm up so I warmed up with the bar then some light ones and started at about 155
    B)hit 215|9tied PR) in the 12 min mark, failed 220 twice after the time but both times I got it over my head which iv never done, build some confidence considering how tired my shoulders and back are after this week.
    C)first 2 min done as doubles then had to do 2 singles in the 15 seconds but I dod make it threw.
    D)skipped, im gunna come back to this one, LOL no im not who am I kidding.
