Monday, February 16, 2015

Tuesday February 17, 2015

A) 3 rounds not for time 
10 toes to bar 
15 kipping handstand push-up 
50 double unders 

B) snatch Emom 12 mins 1 power + 1 hang squat 

C) 4 min Amrap max rep power snatches 155/120lbs aim to beat thw amount of reps in the every 15 second version 

D) 100  Burpees 
Rest 5min
1 Thruster 135/95


  1. B. Did at 95 bc broken
    C. Same shit
    D. 6:53
    E. No time

  2. A) Complete
    B) 175 - Failed twice in the 8th round
    C) Skipped - Sore back from weekend
    D) 5:53
    E) 72 reps - 8 full rounds

  3. A) done
    B) 75lbs
    C) 19 snatches, 80lbs
    D) 4:04
    E) 80lbs thrusters
    6 rounds, 4 thrusters

  4. A) complete
    B) 5 x 115, 7 x 120
    C) should have done less weight so I could do more I think. But did the 120lbs and got 10 reps. Failed a few. My 1RM p. snatch is only 125.
    D) 7:01 & completed the round of 7s.

  5. B)on Monday I did a 10 min emom of heavy squat snatches at 185 then a 10 min emom of squat clean and jerks at 225 so didn't do this today
    C)did 26 reps at 155, not even close to last week, I was ahead of pace till about 2 min in but once I fell behind I couldn't make up any ground, I know that for me to do my best in this I shold rep out a few at the beginning then go to singles, it just really sucks doing it that way cardio wise
    D)100 burpees to target- 7:44 (I am blaming this on the snatches and being really sore from the weekend but I still need to be well under 7 min I think
    E)skipped so that I could atleast do a bit of training 2moro.

  6. A) complete
    B) first few rnds at 175 then increased to 185lbs..failed once but still able to perform reps within the min
    C) got 26reps..maintained good double pace for 2mins then broke down..getting better tho
    D) 5:03
    E) legs burned and felt awful but managed 8rnds + 6 thrusters
