Monday, February 9, 2015

Tuesday February 10, 2015

A) warm up
2 rounds not for time 

12-15 Kipping Handstand Push-Up 
3-6 Bar Muscle-Ups                              
30 sec hanging L sit 

B) 10min EMOM 2 Position Snatch Mid Thigh & Floor (HEAVY)

C) 4 minutes every 15 seconds 2 Power Snatch 155/120lbs
If you were not able to perform last weeks weight in the time, go lighter. The idea here is to hit the reps on the time frame. 

D) 24min EMOM Alternating 20/16CAL Row, 
15 Box Jumps 30"/24" 
10 Push Press 115/80lbs


  1. A) No room to do the warm up
    B) did the emom at 185lbs
    C) Completed
    D) Completed

  2. A) done
    B) done @ 80lbs
    C) done at 65lbs
    D) done, push press - 70lbs

  3. A. Done with modification
    B. Complex done at 125, missed a couple though
    C. Started at 110, went down to 105 after 2mins and still missed a couple
    D. Only did 4 rounds and was late for work!

  4. B) complex done at 175- held on to the bar for 9 of the ten reps but I failed the last full snatch twice,
    C)pretty much almost done- did the first min doubles then 2 singles for the rest, I missed the 30th rep by 1 second and the 32 rep by 3 seconds.
