Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Wednesday February 25, 2015

A) Warmup 3rds not for time 
5 weighted strict chest to bars 
6 weighted strict dips 
8 Strict hspu

B) Power Clean 1.1 (weight 10 seconds between reps) 85% 1RM 16min EMOM

C) 3 Rounds 
50Cal Row 
30 Wall Balls 
20 shoulders to over head 95/65lbs rest 3min


  1. A)cant really do more the 2 reps of chest to bar with weight, I think I had 20lbs in the vest but ended up going back to strick C2B, dips are feelin good tho
    B)complete at 225, felt good I liked this one heavy enough to get you sweating but really allowed me to work on my form and not shooting my legs apart to catch the clean low

  2. A) Complete
    B) Completed at 185-195
    C) Short on time, did a 10 minute Airdyne session for 127 cal

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