Sunday, February 1, 2015

Monday Feb 2, 2015

A) Warm up not for time 
15 CTB 
16 Pistols 
25' HSW

B) front squat 1RM 

C) front squat 3x1 at 90% of 1RM 

D) WORKOUT 14.3 
8 min amrap
 10 deadlifts 135/95lbs
15 box jumps, 24/20
15 deadlifts, 185/135lbs
15 box jumps, 
20 225-lb. deadlifts 225/155lbs
15 box jumps
25 deadlifts, 275/185lbs
15 box jumps
30 deadlifts, 315/205lbs
15 box jumps
35 365-lb. deadlifts, 365/225lbs
15 box jumps


  1. B. 200!!!!!
    C. 180
    D. Did Saturdays wod instead bc my back would hate me. I did the same as last year, 12 cleans

  2. B. 225 (PR from 215)
    C. 205
    D. Did a wod of wall balls, HSWs and rowing coz my foot still isn't good for box jumps

  3. A) Complete
    B) 355 tied PR
    C) 320 X1
    D) Missed entire round at 275, but got in 7 reps at 315 :p

  4. A) done
    B) 160lbs - 5lb pr
    C) 145lbs
    D) finished all my deadlifts at 155lbs. last year i only got 2

  5. B)front squats- 275, failed 285 then 280(not feeling it today)
    C)3x1 at 250
    D)114 reps (24 reps threw 275)

  6. A) done
    B) PR 215!
    C) done at 195
    D) 132 reps.

  7. A) Complete
    B) 315
    C) 3x1 @ 285
    D) 130 - Embarrassing considering that I got 144 least year.
