Thursday, February 19, 2015

Friday February 20, 2015

A) Warmup 3rds not for time 
5 weighted strict chest to bars 
6 weighted strict dips 
8 Strict hspu

B) Backsquat 20 reps +5lbs from last week 

C) 5x8 overhead walking lunge

D) WORKOUT 13.1 completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of: 
40 Burpees 
75/45 pound Snatch, 30 reps 
30 Burpees 
135/75 pound Snatch, 30 reps 
20 Burpees 
165/100 pound Snatch, 30 reps 
10 burpees 
210/120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible


  1. A) Done
    B) 195
    C) 145 lbs
    D) did the 100 burpees instead. Misery.

  2. A) Complete
    B) 225
    C) 95, 145, 155, 165, 155
    D) 151 reps - 24 rep PR

  3. A) Complete
    B) 255lbs
    C) didn't see that in the workout so skipped
    D) 157reps

    1. you gotta get your 1 rep max up higher bud clearly that's your weakness

  4. A. Didn't do this coz I did them in my AM session so skipped to save time at night
    B. 170
    C. Worked up to 135
    D. 165, a PR from 2013 *and that was after a killer morning session so I surprised myself

  5. only had a small amount of time (like an hour and a half) so just did the workout
    160 reps (10 reps at 165)
