Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Wednesday March 18, 2015

a) 15 mins to work up to a max Power clean

b) 10min EMOM
1 Squat clean to thruster start at 135/65lbs.
add 10lbs each round

c) 4 rounds
500 m Row
15 burpee over erg
15 pullups
rest 3 mins between rounds


  1. A)280
    B)done. All hits, no misses
    C) 3:26, 4:12, 4:10, 4:05

  2. A) only worked up to 245
    B) only got up to 195 (not proud of this)
    C) 3:10, 9:17, 15:50, 22:35 all times included the break

  3. A) 285lbs did power clean and jerk, getting ready for my comp next weekend
    B) Done went up to 225lbs (Last minute of the emom)
    C) Total time including break time, 23:10

  4. A) 305 tied PR, missed 315 by a hair
    B) Continued until failure at 285, but PR'd at 265 and 275
    C) Didn't catch the final time, but this sucked, which is generally good in CrossFit

  5. A. 165, failed 170 a few times
    B. 115 too easy, 125 too hard today
    C. Had to sub row for airdyne and jumped over paralettes, also only did 3 rounds and no idea what time as someone (me mainly) messed up the clock

  6. A.225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275(pr) 285(pr) don't know where the hell this came from, was hoping for maybe 275 but ended up with a 20 lb clean pr.
    B.did a couple thrusters then stopped at about 185 and did squat cleans up to 245.
    C. done as 400m run, 15 burpees over bar, 15 pull ups

    1. also skipped a few days because I was sore after 15.3 on Monday, probably because I did so many reps more then Dan.
