Sunday, March 15, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

a) Front Squat 1 RM

B) 20 rep max squat 5 lbs more then last week

c) 4 rounds
21 thrusters 95/65lbs
15 box jump overs 24/20''
9 burpees to target
rest 3 mins between sets

d) 3x Row 50 cals rest 1:1


  1. Ok so this was my first day squatting in 2 weeks- NO GOOD!
    A. Stopped at 205 coz got frustrated
    B. I should b at 185, but stayed at 175 for 20
    C. 23:05
    D. Only did one set and had to bail 3:02

  2. A) 315# fail. Not event close to my 1RM.
    B) 230# PR
    C) started the last round @ 11:10, someone reset the clock, likely finished at 13:ish, did three rounds of thrusters unbroken
    D) completely forgot

  3. I did part c only. I did 15.3 as well.... The clock got restarted 3 times so I'm not sure of my time, but it sucked. Those 3 movements were kyfe tg today.

  4. A) 295- 20lbs off 1Rm
    B) 205 - felt like death
    C) I did this with Kilogram Dan so my clock was reset as well (Thanks Sasha lol) but I pretty sure I finished just shy of the 15 min mark

  5. A)285(PR) got greedy (steves words) and went for 3 hundo didn't even come close.
    B)20 reps at 190. it is starting to really suck. but atleast im almost up to the weight that most of you guys started at.
