Monday, March 16, 2015

Tuesday March 17, 2015

A) 10min Work up to a Heavy snatch

B) 10min EMOM Snatch 1 rep 85-90% 1RM

C) 21min EMOM 
20/14cal Row 
8 SOH 135/95lbs 
10 Cleans 135/95lbs


  1. A) 210
    B) 10 x 188
    C) Stopped in the third set of rowing. Back injury like usual.

  2. A) 185# felt pretty good. Been a while since we snatched.
    B) 155#
    C) got through approx 3 full rounds, took a minute off, then did the rest at 15 cal, 4-6 s2oh, and 5-10 on the cleans. Gassy as f!

  3. A) snatch -145 - attempted 150 and failed twice.
    B) complete @ 135 -- I missed 1 rep on minute 3.
    C) COMPLETE! Yay! Goal was to consistently get those 14cals on the row. And I did it! Every round. Surprised myself.

  4. A) 205lbs didnt have a good snatch day
    B) Did the emom at 205, missed two reps
    C) Completed

  5. Why am I still the only person posting?!

    Cough cough *** Dan Luke Matty Raul

    A. Worked up to 140 and failed
    B. Used 120 for EMOM
    C. Airdyne'd the first couple rounds, stopped at 6 coz had to get back to work- SPICY!!

  6. A/B didn't do. Had homework from coach Yuki
    C - did. But never hit 14cals

  7. A) hit 145lbs and couldn't hit 155lbs for the life of me

    B) so I got pissed and said I was gonna do this part at #155. Hit 5/8. Then tied my pr at #165. Then hit a Pr at #170. Kept going until I hit #175 for another PR

    C) this was just insanity. Had to take a min rest at one point. Avg hitting 4 OH per round and 7 Cleans
