Sunday, March 22, 2015

Monday March 23, 2015

a) 20 rep Max back squat 5 lbs heavier then last week

b) 2 rounds
15 thrusters 95/65lbs
10 burpee box jump overs
c) At the 8 min mark
2 rounds
12 thrusters 135/95lbs
10 burpee over bar
d) At the 16min mark
2 rounds
10 thrusters 155/105lbs
12 box jump overs 24/20''


  1. Re-did 15.4 but didn't do any better

    A. I think u meant back squats? 180 anyway

    B. 4:08

    C. 5:23

    D. 6:43

  2. A) Redo on 15.4. PR
    B) Through all but the last round. Low back tightened up. Flexibility / mobility has to be a focus for me. Didn't get to the squizzy's.

  3. A) completed. First time tried. 225lbs
    B)C) & D) Completed 26:44. C & D on time.

  4. did 15.4 again, so didn't wanna do a gazzilion thrusters after all those HSPUs.
    A)done at 195. (this was my 1 RM 18 months ago, so even if my squat is still pretty pathetic at least I am making some progress)
